Home Delivery

Home Delivery is available from Bakery Andante.

Our home delivery site can be found here, The site includes pictures, ingredients and, where we have it, nutritional information. You can also order items for collection from our stores.

We deliver daily within Edinburgh, bounded by the Bypass, and we deliver to Musselburgh and Penicuik on a Friday, and Balerno/Currie/Juniper Green on a Saturday.

Important delivery information.

Order lead times

Please note the nature of most of our long prove products means that we need 2 days’ notice for orders.  Orders need to be received by 5pm for delivery on the 2nd day (so for example for a Friday delivery we will require the order by 5pm on Wednesday). Please state which day you would like the delivery. Late orders (received after 5pm) which we cannot fulfill will automatically be added to the delivery for the next available day.

Order confirmation

Orders are not confirmed until we have received payment.

Delivery Charges

There is a minimum order of £8, and a delivery charge of £4 for all orders under £12. Delivery Charge, if applicable, will be added at checkout.  There is no charge for lower orders for collection.

Delivery Area

We can only delivery within Edinburgh (bounded by the Edinburgh City Bypass).  We are happy to look at areas just outside for suitably sized orders, and we will confirm on receipt of the order.  

Regular Deliveries outside Edinburgh Bypass

Penicuik – Every Friday

Musselburgh – Every Friday

Balerno/Currie/Juniper Green – Every Saturday

Delivery Timescales

We cannot offer specific times for delivery of your order, however deliveries will be from 7am.  Please make sure that the driver can gain access, or advise where items can be left.  If the driver cannot gain access (such as to tenements), and there is no suitable place to leave the delivery, orders will be returned to our Morningside site.  They can be collected by 6pm (5pm on a Sunday).  No refunds will be offered where the driver is unable to gain access and orders are not collected on the day.